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help children suffering

with nodding syndrome

The guns have gone silent but the aftereffect of the war has gone deeper in Northern Uganda and thus the intervention of WEND Africa on Nodding Syndrome (a rare, regional, severe seizure disorder affecting children) is not only to provide medical care to the suffering children but also to directly support the mothers of the children with Nodding Syndrome by providing them with opportunities for economic empowerment.


Nodding Syndrome (NS) communities in Northern Uganda are faced with a tremendous need and are susceptible to inadequate medical supplies, untimely refills of medication for the families that live far away from the health centers in remote areas, a lack of access to psychosocial support, food/nutritional insecurity, lack access to special needs, inclusive education and sensitization. Due to the lack of resources for these children, their families, and communities, we have seen increasing numbers of death due to hunger or due to seizures that can cause the sick child to accidentally get burned by a fire or drown in water. A lack of money should not be an excuse that these children continue to suffer and die. To date, this illness has received very little attention because the cause of this ailment is mysterious and not fully clear. It is, however, affecting thousands of children currently in Northern Uganda. The government is aware but not allocating enough funds for the sustainability of their health. We need your help.

We are a Global Community that can provide hope. With resources, these children and their families are capable of thriving and maintaining a happier, healthier quality of life. 



We are asking for a sustainable donation from all who are touched by these children, their mothers, and their stories. We are graciously asking for monthly contributions for our program with as little as $5/month or as grand as you feel called. Sustainability is key. The effects of war are ongoing and long-term. It is important that these children get their basic needs met and begin to heal thus improving the overall hope of the community. The leap between disease/illness and thriving/wellness is attainable with adequate resources from your kind and generous donations. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Giving is important and powerful, it changes our world, makes it better and brighter. You are a part of that change. We thank you!

make a donation

100% of your donation goes exclusively to WEND Africa's Nodding Syndrome program. 

WEND AFRICA is a 501 (c)(3) registered nonprofit. Donations are tax deductible.

Click here to see our Financial Accountability Statement.  

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